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What are team managers?

Team managers are employees that get elevated privileges in order to administer their teams in Plecto.

For example, an employee with a Standard permission profile who is also a team manager can:

  • Edit their team's dashboards,

  • Create and edit registrations on behalf of their employees,

  • Access performance agreements, and more.

Team managers with Standard permission profiles can only access those data sources that are linked to their team. They cannot access formulas. If you want the team managers to access more features, you need to assign them to a custom permission profile.

How to make someone team manager

  1. Go to Organization > Teams.

  2. Create a new team or click Edit on the right of an existing team.

  3. Add one or more managers to the team under Managers.

  4. Click Save in the bottom right.

Team manager access

Team managers get elevated privileges for working with Plecto. Here below is a list of things team managers with a Standard permission profile can do.

The same principles apply to sub-team managers (please note that sub-teams cannot access the data of their parent teams).

  • Dashboards – Team managers have the same access to dashboards as employees with standard permission profiles. They can view non-restricted dashboards (not limited to specific teams or employees), but they cannot edit existing or create new dashboards.

  • Reports – Team managers can view non-restricted reports. They cannot edit or create reports, but they can export all non-restricted reports.

  • Data sources – Team managers can see the data sources linked to their team. They can see and edit their own registrations and those made by the team members. Team managers can create registrations on their team members' behalf. They can modify or delete all registrations created within the past 24 hours.

  • My registrations – Team managers can see and edit their own registrations and those made by their team members. They can modify or delete all registrations created within the past 24 hours.

  • Contests – Team managers have the same access to contests as employees with standard permission profiles. Team managers can preview only those contests they are added to. They cannot create or edit contests. If a contest is created for a manager's team, the manager doesn't have access to the contest unless they are added to it.

  • Performance – Team managers can create individual performance agreements with each of their team members. If a manager handles multiple teams, the page layout will be organized by teams.